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National War Museum

Museo | Edinburgh | Scotland | Reino Unido

El Museo Nacional de la Guerra en Edimburgo es una importante institución cultural dedicada a la historia militar de Escocia. Se encuentra dentro de las murallas del Castillo de Edimburgo y narra la historia de la guerra escocesa a lo largo de los siglos. El museo alberga una impresionante colección de más de 500 objetos, que incluyen armas, uniformes, medallas, condecoraciones y objetos personales de soldados que han luchado en diversos conflictos.

Las exposiciones del museo ofrecen un detallado panorama de la historia militar de Escocia, desde las primeras guerras de los clanes escoceses hasta los grandes conflictos militares del siglo XX. Se destacan especialmente los objetos de las dos guerras mundiales, así como de las guerras coloniales y del movimiento de independencia escocés.

El museo no solo muestra los aspectos materiales de la guerra, sino también las historias personales de los soldados y sus familias. Ofrece una representación equilibrada de las repercusiones de la guerra en la sociedad y en las personas. Se centra en el arte de la guerra, el papel de Escocia en las guerras mundiales y la importancia del ejército para la identidad y la historia del país.

Además de las exposiciones permanentes, el Museo Nacional de la Guerra también presenta exposiciones temporales y eventos que abordan diversos aspectos de la guerra y la historia militar. Es un lugar importante para el aprendizaje y la conmemoración para aquellos que desean conocer más sobre el papel de Escocia en los conflictos históricos.

Datos de contacto



Castle, Castlehill
EH1 2NG Edinburgh

Vista de mapa


Domingo9:45 - 17:45
Lunes9:45 - 17:45
Martes9:45 - 17:45
Miércoles9:45 - 17:45
Jueves9:45 - 17:45
Viernes9:45 - 17:45
Sábado9:45 - 17:45


1227 Reseñas

win task

National War Museum is free when you buy ticket for castle because this museum is located inside the Castle boundary like other interesting points. This museum is all about Scottish and British military and army. Love the paintings of war, soldier uniform and swords. Its spread on different levels and each level has something to get your attention. Even the views of Edinburgh city from there are awesome. Worth to visit. there is a gift shop.
Pablo R

Museo de la guerra. Objetos relacionados con el ejército y la guerra, muy bien conservado todo el material, sobre todo armas pequeñas y uniformes, tampoco hay grandes cosas. La visita la haces en menos de media hora y es gratis al haber pagado ya la entrada al castillo. Merece la pena entrar y ver con qué ganas se han matado todos a lo largo de la historia, no se, me ha faltado un poco de reflexión al respecto.
Eli Olah Sosnová

Velký kus historie pro každého.
Lee Mckendrick

I really enjoyed the National War Museum, my only real critic is the narrative could be a bit more cohesive/chronological as it jumps around a bit. Very interesting and well worth a stop when at Edinburgh Castle (plus it's free though well worth a donation imo).
Steven Knox

Most informative thing in the castle
Rebecca Wolf

This is my favorite part in the Castle, and if you are history obsessed like I am, this is really worth dedicating some time to walking through the entire exhibit. Some really interesting stories to be found here.
Minna Zhu

glad to see
Arthur Santos

Museu muito rico em cultura e história. Para quem está visitando o Castelo de Edimburgo, a entrada é gratuita. Nem sei se tem como entrar apenas no museu, sem entrar no Castelo...
Emod Vafa

Chang B.

我們是國際旅客。這個國家戰爭博物館位於Edinburgh castle 內,是其中一個可以參觀的地點,名字的National 感覺是指Scotland 。進入博物館的入口會先到達紀念品區,如果是遊客,建議可以在這裡買張明信片,包含軍樂節的明信片!穿過紀念品區後,往上走樓梯到二樓才是主要的參觀區域,博物館裡面沒有導覽,但是幾乎都有說明文字。參觀區域很大,是一個ㄇ字型的結構,會從另一邊出來。裡面可以挑選想看的文物就好,否則可能會花去太多時間。裡面有些有趣的畫作、文物或飾品很吸引人瞭解並拍照。如果想詳細瞭解Scotland 的歷史,建議可以多預留一些時間。出口處會有捐獻箱,自由捐款。 20240803
Doc Wauzi

Impressive, nice location, but the museums are entirely focused on the military, and glorify past wars without serious critique.
Maria Achilleia

The National War Museum it’s inside the castle area and you don’t need to buy extra ticket. It’s very interesting and mostly about the Scottish military and its role in Britain’s history but we liked it. There is a very informative video to watch on the first, the isles of the rest museum are narrow so can get very crowded. Be patient.

The National War Museum at Edinburgh Castle is a compelling visit for history enthusiasts. The extensive collection provides a deep dive into Scotland's military history, with well-curated exhibits that range from medieval weaponry to modern conflicts. The museum's setting within the iconic Edinburgh Castle adds an extra layer of historical context and grandeur. While the displays are informative and well-organized, some areas can get a bit crowded, and a few exhibits could benefit from more detailed explanations. Overall, it's a fascinating and educational experience that’s definitely worth exploring.
Duncan Stern

Very much worth it to visit during your visit to the castle. Do note that you can only visit this museum if you have entrance tickets to the castle! The museum itself is free, I love that. Kudo's to GB/Scotland for subsidising these museums.
Feeling Chanvré

You get access from buying castle tickets. It's not the best war museum there is, but still fun and interesting. I expected something more chronological and related to the surrounding area, but it's mostly about Scotland's military role in the British Empire. It is small and very crowded so I would recommend going as early in the day as possible.

Ulusal Askeri müze, keyifli. Kalenin içinde olduğu için ayrıca bilete gerek yok.

It's a must visit museum great experience, all museums are entry free.
Manon Jsn

Un musée qui remplit ce qu'on attend de lui. Des explications intéressantes mais uniquement disponible en anglais. Une visite chronologique de l'Histoire guerrière de l'Ecosse avec des documents et objets d'archives. Un peu long, 1h30 pour notre visite.
Elisa Gava Williams

Il museo nazionale della guerra di Scozia è un museo interessante situato in quello che una volta era un ospedale. Copre quattrocento anni di storia militare del paese.
Muhammad Sarim

Tourist attraction


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